Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Handle Challenges, Self-Doubt and Fears

Lately, I have been faced with many obstacles to continue with my program. One of the obstacles includes student funding. I was just informed that the student financial assistance I have been receiving will not continue.

While working out at the gym yesterday, I was listening to the CD, "Making a Difference", by John Maxwell and I was inspired.

Maxwell defined real problems from predicament. He defined a problem as something you can do something about; whereas a predicament you can’t. In my situation, there is nothing I can do about the decision made to deny me of student funds.

He indicates in his book that once you can assess whether your obstacle is a predicament or a problem, you can address it accordingly . In my case, I have problem and I have to just accept that this agency will not fund me any longer .

At that moment, I was struck with complete fear. My mind began to spiral in utter fear and thoughts ignited around; “how would I finance my school, how will I support myself and the thought of becoming homeless."

I immediately went into survival mode of wanting to quit the program and find a job. I began having doubts about the direction in my life and whether I should continue with my MBA.

But I remembered reading one of Obama’s biographies and he too experienced self-doubts early on in his political life. He shared some of his challenges and how he had self-doubts about whether he was doing the right thing or following the right path. Now, look at where is in life now. He is the president of the United States!!!

If I allow my fears to take me out, it will rob me of my dreams.

Having self-doubt and feeling fear is a normal reaction to have, especially when faced with obstacles and challenges. But that is all that they’re, just feelings. It is important not to feed into your fears and over re-act too quickly. However, it is also important to acknowledge your fears and doubts so that you can move on.

People give “life” to their fears when they act on it too quickly. My fears are valid and I am not ignoring them. They’re healthy fears and I’m aware of the consequences if I do not act on my situation. But at the same time, I will not give up “quickly” and take the easy way out. First, I will exhaust every avenue and see what else is out there for resources.

John Maxwell also indicates that once you determine your situation is a predicament and that there is nothing you can do about it, you must focus on moving on and not waste any time on the subject. Sometimes, people fall in the trap of being a victim and need to tell the world what has happened to them. Maxwell says this is an energy drainer, which robs you of valuable time that you could be using towards finding solutions.

He reinforces that your attitude in how you approach the challenges will determine your success in overcoming it. It is important that I spend more of my time focusing on what to do next and not wallow on what has happened, especially if I cannot change the outcome. I do not need to be a victim in this situation but rather I can rise up to the challenge.

I am not ready to give up. I will remain persistent and determined! I have decided to pursue other options for funding, such as scholarships and look into other resources. When there is a will, there is a way. It just depends on how bad you want it. I truly believe finances will come my way. I have faith and hope that things will look up and I will connect with the right people in the universe who will see my passion and compassion to complete my MBA program. I need to believe that, even in my darkest days.

Enclosed is John Maxwell's website if you're interested in buying any of his books or CDs.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Unexpected Twists and Turns, But Always Keep Your Eyes on the Ball

It looks like I will take a little longer to do my MBA. I didn’t pass one of my courses and I was required to redo it. However, I decided to take a leave of absence from the program and admit myself into a program that specialized in the course that I failed in. In January 2010, I will re-admit myself back into the MBA program with a stronger foundation and knowledge in the concepts I need to successfully move forward and pass the course.

I didn’t feel confident or comfortable redoing the course over again knowing that I was missing key concepts . So, this is why I’m making the decision to take a couple of pre-requisite courses that would help me fully grasp and understand the concepts I need to successfully pass the course.

What does all this mean? Well, it is simple. Life is about “change” and unexpected twists and turns. Although, we may have detailed plan to reach our goal. Sometimes it doesn’t always go the way we would like it too. We may take a little longer or be taken down a different path than we had originally planned. I didn’t anticipate this to happen and this happens to most of us.

Whatever the challenges and course that is thrown at us, we have to always remain focus on the main goal.

The one affirmation that I kept on telling myself over and over again in my head was, “never, never, never give up”. I’m excited about entering back into college for a few months. Who knows who I will meet and what is in store for me. I like to see challenges as "opportunities". It will take me a little longer to get my MBA, but so what!

I didn’t waste one second feeling sorry for myself. I immediately started searching for courses/programs that would address the gap. I applied to several programs and I am waiting for confirmation on whether I get accepted.

This doesn’t mean I didn’t have my disappointment moments or that I didn’t grieve. I did all that and I allowed myself to have that. But I made sure that I didn’t wallow in it for too long. Action is the key to success.

When I look at the cup half full, I’m embracing this time off and catching up with friends and family. I just returned from a fabulous one week vacation trip to New York. I had an opportunity to visit with a girlfriend I hand't seen in two years. I’m looking at this as an opportunity where other doors can open for me and that the cup is certainly have full. It also gives me an opportunity to consult with key stakeholders and possible sponsors for ideas on what I should do my Organizational Consulting Research Project on.

With that, I hope you’re all enjoying your summer and embracing opportunities that come your way. Remember, “Never, Never, Never, Give up”. You’re worth the successes and goals you set out for yourself.

Blessings to you.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oprah Winfrey's Commandments for Success

Disclaimer: I take no credit for this article. I am publishing it in my blog because it fits in with the theme of my blog and I admire Oprah's success. The source of this article is mentioned in the end.

1) Don’t let others define you or tell you what you can’t do.Oprah Winfrey said: “Nobody had any clue that my life could be anything but working in some factory or a cotton field in Mississippi. Nobody.” For her entire life people have been telling Winfrey what she can’t do— and why. But Winfrey hasn’t listened to them. Rather, she says, she listens to her own instincts. “Gut [instinct] is what got me where I am today,” she said in 1998.

2) Take responsibility for your life.That doesn’t mean you have to absolve others of wrongdoing if you’ve experienced that in your life. It just means you still have to overcome it. As a victim of sexual abuse, Oprah Winfrey had the triggers that have led countless others to drug and alcohol addictions. But Winfrey wasn’t looking to check out from life; she was looking to lead a productive and fulfilling life. She took responsibility for how her life would turn out. “I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good,” she said.

3) Embrace God.Oprah Winfrey said: “There’s only one way I’ve been able to survive being raped, molested…only one way to cope with fears of pregnancy, my mother on welfare…my faith in God got me through.” Reading the Bible has been part of Winfrey’s everyday routine. She has said: “I act as if everything depends upon me and pray as if everything depends on God.”

4) Have compassion for others.Winfrey had a compassion she just couldn’t, and maybe didn’t want to, hide. While this was considered a “negative” for a news anchor by her bosses, it proved to be one of her great strengths as a talk show host.

5) Study the competition.When Winfrey was starting out, Phil Donahue was the king of the talk shows. “I watched Phil every day to see what I could learn,” she said.

6) Just be yourself.Winfrey’s genius lay in just being herself. She said, “My head hurts when I have to be in any situation where people are being phony. So if I can’t be myself and take my shoes off when my feet hurt, then I’m not going to do very well.”

7) Live your life with passion.Winfrey’s audience could see that from the start she was engaged in something she loved when she was doing her show. “I’m a person who lives my life with great passion, and I think that comes across on camera. …I believe you’re here to live your life with passion. Otherwise, you’re just traveling through the world blindly—and there’s no point in that.”

8) Pursue quality in your work first—money will follow.Pursue the work you love, which allows you to do it to the best of your ability. It is only then that money will follow. Today Winfrey’s net worth is estimated at around one billion dollars, making her one of the wealthiest women in the world. But the pursuit of money was never her objective, only the pursuit of quality. “Part of the reason why I am as successful as I have been [is] because success wasn’t the goal. The process was. I wanted to do good work,” she said.

9) Have a generous heart.After the murder of four-year-old Angelica Mena at the hands of a convicted child abuser, Winfrey hired former Illinois governor James Thompson to draft a 1aw that would create a national registry of people convicted of child abuse. Winfrey then lobbied hard for it. In December 1993, the National Child Protection Act, which was nicknamed the “Oprah Bill,” became law. Winfrey has also used her wealth to give her family better quality of life and to help needy and worthy students attend college on scholarships, in addition to other numerous charitable causes. “Education is freedom, and that is one way you can make a huge difference in someone’s life,” she said.

10) Read.As a little girl, Winfrey could almost always be found with a book in her hand. Reading brought her comfort and perspective, especially when she was young and troubled. “Books showed me there were possibilities in life, that there were actually people like me living in a world I could not only aspire to but attain. Reading gave me hope. For me, it was the open door.”

11) Continue to grow—personally and professionally.By 1990 Winfrey decided that her topics, which had helped bring her to the top, were for the most part too frivolous. She wanted to do shows of more substance that made a difference in people’s lives. By growing as a host, Winfrey has stayed influential and relevant. “I want to use television not only to entertain, but to help people lead better lives. I realize now, more than ever, that the show is the best way to accomplish these goals,” she said.

12) Guard against hypocrisy.In January 1995, during a show that dealt with a guest talking about her drug use, Winfrey admitted her own drug use when she was in her early twenties. She called it her “great shame.” She said: “I would have felt like a hypocrite, not saying [I had smoked cocaine], talking to people about baring their souls and standing there like I didn’t know what they were talking about.” Regarding her relationship with her half-sister, Patricia Lee, who sold the tabloids the story of Winfrey’s teenage pregnancy and her premature baby’s subsequent death, Winfrey said: “I didn’t feel I could continue to go on the air speaking to people about forgiveness if I couldn’t do it myself. There was a lot of pain, a lot of stuff let out. But I did it so that we could go on and live with each other.”

13) Strive to be the best.“The greatest contribution you can make to women’s rights, to civil rights, is to be the absolute…best at what you do,” Winfrey said.


The Most Powerful Tools: Your action, Your Words

I grew up often confused by the behaviors and actions of other people. Too often, people would say one thing then do another. Naturally, I assumed this was how things were done. After many years using this method, I started to question this way of doing things, but only after I suffered much heartache and pain from my decisions and actions. But wisdom grows out of our mistakes.

Maybe you wish you would have made better choices in life, thus far. Perhaps you wish you would have been kinder, more generous or a better friend. If you could do it over again, maybe you would do things differently. But none of that matters because each moment gives you another chance to make a different choice—right now. In each moment, you can start again.

No one knows how you are feeling or anything about you except what they observe. What you show other people through your demonstration will tell them everything they need to know about who you are today. Your actions and words are your most powerful tools for self-expression; they reflect neither your past nor your future, but represent only this very moment.

And who you are in this very moment is exactly who you choose to be. Your present behavior has a way of erasing unfavorable past actions or behavior and shapes more positive future conditions.

Be kinder to yourself. Stop giving undue thought to what you haven’t done in the past; stop feeling guilty for what you don’t think can do in the future. Think only of what you are doing now and do it with all your strength, with all your conviction, and with all your heart.

Your words and actions grow out of your beliefs and thoughts. In order to live an exceptional life, you must live your life from your highest truths and exemplify your greatest ideals.

Be patient with people who appear to be wrong. Be grateful for people who appear to be right. Always listen carefully, take a deep breath, and think before you speak. Let your humble heart and your sincerest truth shape your words, not your ego! Don’t be so arrogant as to cherish your own opinion to the exclusion of other possibilities. Always be willing to accept new truth and greater awareness when it’s time to do so.

What are you demonstrating to other people? In every exchange with another person, are you expressing your highest ideals and beliefs? Live your life from your highest truth and give others the freedom to live from theirs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"If I wrote a note to God"

I absolutely love this is so inspirational. To all of you who are struggling....don't give up. This song will lift your spirits up.!

There are no failure-just experiences and your reaction to them.

I had a set back and I didn’t do too well in one of my exams. As my inspirational videos indicate there are several ways I can handle this setback. Yes, I had my moments of sadness and disappointments. But I also have choices in how I choose to move forward. I can choose to continue to wallow in it or choose to pick up, go on and learn from it. Enclosed is a video that inspired me to look at the glass half full rather than half empty.

Set back and failure is part of life but your reaction to them will determine the success of reaching your goals in the the future. The key is how you choose to handle it and how you choose to deal with it. It’s important to acknowledge your disappointments but also important not to wallow in it for too long.

I acknowledge that I won’t be gifted in every subject in my program and that I will struggle in some of the subjects. But I know that I can learn and push myself to do better. My attitude in how I choose to deal with failure and set backs in the program and in my life will determine the success of reaching my goals.

Who I am today and in the future is a reflection of my thoughts. And I choose to think that I will overcome this and I will learn from this. I will also choose to think that I will do much better in the exam I will rewrite. I need to believe that I will succeed and do well.

Know that set back and failure is a part of life. How you handle to deal with it is the key to success. I choose to deal with my set-back with a positive mental attitude. Spending more time studying the subject, will ensure that I grasp the concepts, in turn it will give me the knowledge and confidence to do well in my job.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Take the Time to Renew yourself

Hello from Denmark

I’m on a vacation de-stressing after four months of continuous stress. It is important to de-stress your body, spirit and mind in order to renew yourself. That is why time out and vacations are so important. It can be as simple as a three day retreat but it has to be absolute stillness, where your body, mind and soul is totally relaxed.

People who do not take this time out, are more than likely to develop post traumatic stress symptoms, all sorts of diseases and ailments. There are many benefits to de-stressing the mind, body and soul. Research have proven the benefits are endless and the bottom line is you cannot get away with not de-stressing. It is medicine that is needed to help renew and rejuvenuate your vibrant body, mind and soul. Many successful people have this as one of their secret receipe to their success.

Denmark is a beautiful country and I’m embracing the culture. I’m just going with the flow and not stressing too much about anything, especially my diet. I am a vegetarian and since I have been here I pretty much let that go. But I am OK with it and I am not sweating it too much. I want to experience the small window of opportunity and embrace their culture to the fullest. Some things are just not worth stressing over and for me, I let my diet go. So far, it has been a wonderful experience.

For my next goals, I’m looking at seeking part time employment while pursuing my MBA and at I found myself stressing out about it. Even my prayers began to sound demanding and stressful. Than, I began to realize I just needed to let go and put my life and trust in my higher power. Instead of pleading in my prayers, I changed the tone to surrendering each day to my higher power and the universe in employment opportunities. I needed to put my trust in knowing that my higher power is looking out for me and pray more for guidance and direction. When I did that, I felt the load lifted, and it was the most amazing feeling. The stress of just letting all the worries go was unbelievable feeling.

I know it's not easy for many, especially in this difficult economic crisis and many people are suffering. But faith always seems to help me in times of distress.

This does not mean, I don’t visualize the type of work I want or that I can't create affirmations. I still have to do these activies. I just need to trust and believe that my higher power/universe is working to create that perfect job for me.

I send blessings to each and every one of you :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Journal to Achieve Your Goals

There are so many great ideas out there to help you achieve your goals. The ideas are endless and they’re all great. You have to choose what works best for you. We are all different and what works best for me, may not work for you.

Research has shown over and over, successful people have some kind of ritual that helped them to believe in themselves. Some pray, some do affirmations, and some journal. Whatever it was they believed these rituals helped them to achieve their goals.

One of the rituals I absolutely swear by is journaling. I get most of my ideas through journaling. I always start my journal by listing what I have achieved that day so that I could see what I have accomplished. Then I just ramble about what I’m feeling. Usually it’s something I’m not happy about, or I wished I had done differently, or need to improve.

Then immediately after I assess my feelings or emotions I start to go into tackling problems and ideas start to flow. I come up with all kinds of ideas in how I can improve and make my life better. A lot of times its about creating schedules and times to exercise, study, and plan meals or I need to apologize to so and so. and etc. Sometimes it’s just emotional, and I acknowledge my feelings and deal with it. If I need to make changes in my life to so that I emotionally feel better than I work that out in my journaling.

Our greatest enemy can be our negative thoughts. Journaling and affirmations are great tools to help us exercise positive thoughts. Like our body needs food, our minds need daily exercise of positive. I have read so many books on how our mind produces more negative thoughts than positive. Like exercise for our bodies, we also need to exercise positive thoughts.

I use journaling to attack those negative thoughts by rewriting those negative thoughts into positive ones. Then I use these positive thoughts in my daily affirmations until I don’t need them anymore. If they come back, I have my affirmation stored in my computer.

Journaling allows you to be absolutely free with your thoughts and it is a tool to help you assesses yourself or your day. Did we achieve what we accomplished to set out today? Was I kind to a person today? What do I want to work on so that I am a better person? What did I achieve today? If I’m not happy about something, what choices can I make to improve this?

Once you come up with great ideas to make changes. It’s important you put that in a different form of writing other than your journal, like a contract, calendar, check list etc.. to help you fulfill those changes. Don’t expect perfection. The first step is acknowledgement and the second step is doing something about it. Most importantly, give yourself a pat on the back for your achievements that you accomplished that day.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Affirmations & Inspirations

After a long break from my blog, I decided to touch base today. I honestly hit a brick wall and was so overwhelmed with my school work I had no time for nothing else. My school work became my focus and priority. I had to set a side many things, including my blog. The stress and workload was overwhelming. There were peiords where I felt many times, I could not do this.

But I wrote an affirmation specifically for myself and read it each day before I began my day. I also followed it with a prayer and that seemed to help me get through these difficult times. I set goals for myself each day and I try as much as possible to follow them. I still need to work hard on time management and using my time more efficiently. Identifying the problem is the first step, which I've done. I just need to continue to work on improving in this area.

When times are tough, which they're most times, I go to youtube, and watch inspirational videos. That always seems to lift my spirits and renew my energy. One video in particular that has touched me is the video about the two guys who raised a Lion, Christian. After a year of raising him they released him to the Wild in South Afarica. When they reunited with him after he was in the wild for a while, it was such an emotional union. I have to be honest and say, I cried.

I also find this video inspirational.

Since beginning this proram, I have somewhat neglected my loved onces. I know, it was not the smart thing to do. People say, sometimes to get ahead we have to make scrafices. But spending time with our loved ones, should not be one of them. The nurturing we get through their love, is part of who we are. Now that I have more time to work on creating more balance in my life, I'm making an effort to connect more with family.

I have given up a lot since beginning this program and clothes shopping was one of them. In some ways it has been a positive scrafice, because I've saved tone of money. It's great to be back and I hope to commit to writing atleast once a week. I want to thank my followers for being patient with me.

I hope you have a great week.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Don't let a shrinking economy dictate your level of success or fulfillment!

To thrive in 2009, it's essential to stay in gratitude, keep focused on your goals, learn new skills, take inspired actions, and develop supportive habits.By maintaining a positive and joyous emotional state (and laser-like focus on what you want) you' re practically guaranteed to achieve your goals.

And that's exactly what I'm dedicated to do in 2009 so this time next year I can be celebrating my successes and continuing on my path of living the life of my dreams.