Tuesday, May 26, 2009

There are no failure-just experiences and your reaction to them.

I had a set back and I didn’t do too well in one of my exams. As my inspirational videos indicate there are several ways I can handle this setback. Yes, I had my moments of sadness and disappointments. But I also have choices in how I choose to move forward. I can choose to continue to wallow in it or choose to pick up, go on and learn from it. Enclosed is a video that inspired me to look at the glass half full rather than half empty.

Set back and failure is part of life but your reaction to them will determine the success of reaching your goals in the the future. The key is how you choose to handle it and how you choose to deal with it. It’s important to acknowledge your disappointments but also important not to wallow in it for too long.

I acknowledge that I won’t be gifted in every subject in my program and that I will struggle in some of the subjects. But I know that I can learn and push myself to do better. My attitude in how I choose to deal with failure and set backs in the program and in my life will determine the success of reaching my goals.

Who I am today and in the future is a reflection of my thoughts. And I choose to think that I will overcome this and I will learn from this. I will also choose to think that I will do much better in the exam I will rewrite. I need to believe that I will succeed and do well.

Know that set back and failure is a part of life. How you handle to deal with it is the key to success. I choose to deal with my set-back with a positive mental attitude. Spending more time studying the subject, will ensure that I grasp the concepts, in turn it will give me the knowledge and confidence to do well in my job.

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