Saturday, January 14, 2012

You're your destiny

It's amazing how much "power" our thoughts have in determining our future. Louise Hay quotes "Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year."

What does that mean?

It means we have to work-out our minds, just like we work-out our body every day, creating discipline so that our thoughts gives out energy to the universe of positive experiences, prosperity, love, healing, serenity and success.

Our memory thoughts usually stem from childhood experiences. If you’ve experienced trauma or negative experiences as a child, than most likely your thought memory are negative. Negative childhood memories are harder to erase, and reinforce negative affirmations throughout our adult life. This is why its important to reprogram our memory, and replace negative affirmations into positive ones if we want to live a happy, peace life and be content with who we are. Reprograming the mind requires work and commitment. Some exercises Louise Hay provides to do this is are;

Mirror work-stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself every day you love yourself; “I love you and accept you completely. I am here for you”.

Re-writing affirmation-rewrite your negative thoughts, into positive affirmation. What you think and speak, is attracted to you so make sure they’re positive, loving and nurturing thoughts that support you in your life.

Listen to positive affirmation cd in your car.

Chanting-when you’re walking, chant positive affirmations. “Life loves me, I love life”-louise hay

Make the change today to have a better life, and not have your negative thoughts control your destiny. You can change that underlying unhappiness, dissatisfaction and unfulfilled life, with thoughts of greater appreciation and acceptance of who you’re. Be the person you deserve to be by letting go your past and negative thoughts, and have the life you truly deserve just by changing your thoughts.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Create Affirmations with Service in Mind rather than Result Driven

It's been almost one year since I wrote my last blog. I have been on whirl wind of exciting new adventure and changes in my life. I moved to a completely new city, began a new job and now embarking on some of my dreams. This past week I have been following Oprah's life classes and learning a lot about how to “achieve goals” by using the intentions “to service others” rather than focus on the end results of what we want. In other words, let go of expectations but embrace the moment of the process and serve your true purpose by giving to others. In Oprah's life Classes, Cheryl Richardsons, shares how she believes you will be more successful at achieving your goals if you practice affirmations with the intention and purpose to “serve” rather than be “result” driven. When you act to “serve your families and communities” you than set intentions for true purpose in your life. By practicing your affirmations in this way it takes the pressure off focusing on the “results”, and it allows you to be present in the moment. You feel a sense of satisfaction, peace and purpose. The positive energy is projected out to the universe. Richardson emphasize result driven goals can put negative pressures on us and we can come across distress and desperate. This is not the kind of energy we want project to the universe. Mother Teresa is an example of how one can achieve goals through positive intentions. Her true passion and purpose to serve the poor helped her to achieve her goals to raise funds and bring awareness about the conditions of the poor. Through her charities she was able to give hope to the poor by building many infrastructures such as homes, schools, businesses and farms. She made a difference in the lives of people, while at the same time achieving her goals at many levels; spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Successful Life Strategies - 5 Keys to Build an Extraordinary Life

I usually write about something that has been challenging me. Lately that has been fears. Old patterns, insecurities and negative thoughts have crept back into my “thoughts”. Maintaining a positive attitude and positive outlook on life requires being able to control our fears and our thoughts that feed them. Here are 5 keys for you to begin building an Extraordinary Life.

Recognize when Fear is present: It’s important to recognize and acknowledge your fears and not ignore them. Speak to them, write about it and share with others about your fears. If fear has prevented you from fully enjoying life or experiencing success in your life, than you need to work on overcoming it so that you can embrace what life has to offer.

Distinguish what you are afraid of: By identifying your fears and facing them, you’re better able to deal with them rather than reacting to people or situations. Often anger and insecurities are fear based. If the fears you face are preventing you from growing, succeeding or enjoying life than you have to get professional counseling or seek self help groups.

Affirm Yourself: Many people overcome small fears. For instance, I was so afraid of flying and would not go into an airplane. I acknowledge this fear and took some on line courses on “fear of flying”. I learned about the plane engine, noises etc.. and gaining knowledge. I also found out there are more car accidents than there are airplane accidents. In addition to learning what I was afraid of, I created affirmations. “I love flying, it is safe and fun”.

Act in the Face of the Fear: I faced my fears of flying and just started flying on planes. I bought meditation tapes to listen too and say my affirmations, “God is with us, I have no fear”. The more I flew, the easier it got. But the best thing about the experience is I was able to visit and travel to many destination. It opens many positive and wonderful opportunities for me, including a job I loved.

Expand Your Thoughts: Your thoughts create “feelings”. How you think creates your feelings. Most fears stem from what people have experienced or heard. Then they feed into their fears. You have the power to change this, by changing the thoughts of experiences that caused these “feelings” of fears. Create new thoughts, deal with those past experiences to address your fears. It is possible.

Don’t let fear control your life and prevent you from experiencing what life has to offer. Begin applying these keys and see your life become extraordinary in all areas. It takes being consistent with a touch of patience. Nothing happens overnight, however, create the habits and success will come.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Balancing Act~Health and Family Comes First!!

Without getting into too many details, I choose to withdraw from the MBA program, to tend to a family matter. Just when I thought I was back in the game again and moving along, a family member of mine urgently needed my support. Without any hesitation, I step up to plate.
What can I say, family comes first. In my younger days, my career took priority over my family but not this time.

In the book, Tuesday with Morrie, his last year before his death he writes about it is so important to maintain relationship with family and friends. He shares, at the end of the day the most important people who love you, are your family and friends. He emphasis the need for us to nurture these relationships, and make them a priority. Your riches will be rewarded by the love and support you received in return. Morrie, says, the worst thing in the world for someone die “alone”.

This is why he emphasis that career, certification, money and prestige will not bring you happiness. The key to having it all, is to be able to “balance your life”. He strongly, emphasis we need to invest in the people that love you the most. HE says, we need to nurture our family, and it make a priority. At the end of the day, when you most need support, it will be your family and friends by your side.

I love my family, they mean a lot to me. I couldn’t say that when I was in my early 20s. I was very career driven and all I could see was the “goal” in mind.

This does not mean, my dream has died or that I have completely given up. This does not mean, I have put my goal of MBA on a shelf. All this means, is I took some time out, to tend to a very important matter. And this will happen in life.

My journey to begin and stay on course to complete my MBA has been a bit of struggle, but I like my experience as my cup half full. I see my experiences (both positive and negative) as opportunities to learn and grow. Which inturn, make me a stronger person because of it. I have no written plan set in stone, or a specific road map to reach my goals.

This is reality, and I never thought I would be dealing with so many challenges. What I never prepared for and included in my plans were unexpected situations, ie family situations, or failing a course. Was I naive to think that none of this would happened? Do we need to include some of bumps into our goals plans and brainstorm “what ifs”. Most of the inspirational books and cds I listen to, never prepare you for the unexpected, or mention that it may occur so include them in your plan.

I think it is vital, when a person thinks out their goals, and road maps, that they need to include and brainsstorm, “what if’s situations” and come up with possibilities. Sometimes, it’s best just to deal with them as they come, because circumstances at that time will bring resolution.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Back in The Game Again

After a full semester of taking courses at a local college, I’m back in the game again with the MBA program. I’m feeling a little more competent and confident in the financial material, especially accounting to continue on with the program. Because I failed the last course, I have to repeat it again in the program.

I never thought I would be taking a winding path to get to my goals but I soon learned there are no straight paths either. Life brings challenges, unexpected bumps, twist and turns and we have to learn to deal with them. The more we experience these bumps, than the next bump doesn’t seem so bad. Your attitude in experiencing challenges is a difference maker. If you see roadblocks and challenges as opportunities for new opened doors, then it is much easier to overcome them.

I have come to accept that achieving my MBA may take a lot longer than I anticipated, but I will get there someday. Trust me, I will. I just don't want to kill myself getting there, and that is why, I have decided to pace myself.

I’m looking forward to what opportunities will come my way in the next few months, as I embark in my course in the MBA program.

Here’s to striving towards your dreams and NEVER giving up. When there is a will, I’m telling you, there’s always a way.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Handle Challenges, Self-Doubt and Fears

Lately, I have been faced with many obstacles to continue with my program. One of the obstacles includes student funding. I was just informed that the student financial assistance I have been receiving will not continue.

While working out at the gym yesterday, I was listening to the CD, "Making a Difference", by John Maxwell and I was inspired.

Maxwell defined real problems from predicament. He defined a problem as something you can do something about; whereas a predicament you can’t. In my situation, there is nothing I can do about the decision made to deny me of student funds.

He indicates in his book that once you can assess whether your obstacle is a predicament or a problem, you can address it accordingly . In my case, I have problem and I have to just accept that this agency will not fund me any longer .

At that moment, I was struck with complete fear. My mind began to spiral in utter fear and thoughts ignited around; “how would I finance my school, how will I support myself and the thought of becoming homeless."

I immediately went into survival mode of wanting to quit the program and find a job. I began having doubts about the direction in my life and whether I should continue with my MBA.

But I remembered reading one of Obama’s biographies and he too experienced self-doubts early on in his political life. He shared some of his challenges and how he had self-doubts about whether he was doing the right thing or following the right path. Now, look at where is in life now. He is the president of the United States!!!

If I allow my fears to take me out, it will rob me of my dreams.

Having self-doubt and feeling fear is a normal reaction to have, especially when faced with obstacles and challenges. But that is all that they’re, just feelings. It is important not to feed into your fears and over re-act too quickly. However, it is also important to acknowledge your fears and doubts so that you can move on.

People give “life” to their fears when they act on it too quickly. My fears are valid and I am not ignoring them. They’re healthy fears and I’m aware of the consequences if I do not act on my situation. But at the same time, I will not give up “quickly” and take the easy way out. First, I will exhaust every avenue and see what else is out there for resources.

John Maxwell also indicates that once you determine your situation is a predicament and that there is nothing you can do about it, you must focus on moving on and not waste any time on the subject. Sometimes, people fall in the trap of being a victim and need to tell the world what has happened to them. Maxwell says this is an energy drainer, which robs you of valuable time that you could be using towards finding solutions.

He reinforces that your attitude in how you approach the challenges will determine your success in overcoming it. It is important that I spend more of my time focusing on what to do next and not wallow on what has happened, especially if I cannot change the outcome. I do not need to be a victim in this situation but rather I can rise up to the challenge.

I am not ready to give up. I will remain persistent and determined! I have decided to pursue other options for funding, such as scholarships and look into other resources. When there is a will, there is a way. It just depends on how bad you want it. I truly believe finances will come my way. I have faith and hope that things will look up and I will connect with the right people in the universe who will see my passion and compassion to complete my MBA program. I need to believe that, even in my darkest days.

Enclosed is John Maxwell's website if you're interested in buying any of his books or CDs.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Unexpected Twists and Turns, But Always Keep Your Eyes on the Ball

It looks like I will take a little longer to do my MBA. I didn’t pass one of my courses and I was required to redo it. However, I decided to take a leave of absence from the program and admit myself into a program that specialized in the course that I failed in. In January 2010, I will re-admit myself back into the MBA program with a stronger foundation and knowledge in the concepts I need to successfully move forward and pass the course.

I didn’t feel confident or comfortable redoing the course over again knowing that I was missing key concepts . So, this is why I’m making the decision to take a couple of pre-requisite courses that would help me fully grasp and understand the concepts I need to successfully pass the course.

What does all this mean? Well, it is simple. Life is about “change” and unexpected twists and turns. Although, we may have detailed plan to reach our goal. Sometimes it doesn’t always go the way we would like it too. We may take a little longer or be taken down a different path than we had originally planned. I didn’t anticipate this to happen and this happens to most of us.

Whatever the challenges and course that is thrown at us, we have to always remain focus on the main goal.

The one affirmation that I kept on telling myself over and over again in my head was, “never, never, never give up”. I’m excited about entering back into college for a few months. Who knows who I will meet and what is in store for me. I like to see challenges as "opportunities". It will take me a little longer to get my MBA, but so what!

I didn’t waste one second feeling sorry for myself. I immediately started searching for courses/programs that would address the gap. I applied to several programs and I am waiting for confirmation on whether I get accepted.

This doesn’t mean I didn’t have my disappointment moments or that I didn’t grieve. I did all that and I allowed myself to have that. But I made sure that I didn’t wallow in it for too long. Action is the key to success.

When I look at the cup half full, I’m embracing this time off and catching up with friends and family. I just returned from a fabulous one week vacation trip to New York. I had an opportunity to visit with a girlfriend I hand't seen in two years. I’m looking at this as an opportunity where other doors can open for me and that the cup is certainly have full. It also gives me an opportunity to consult with key stakeholders and possible sponsors for ideas on what I should do my Organizational Consulting Research Project on.

With that, I hope you’re all enjoying your summer and embracing opportunities that come your way. Remember, “Never, Never, Never, Give up”. You’re worth the successes and goals you set out for yourself.

Blessings to you.