Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Striving for my Dream-MBA

My long-term goal to complete my Masters 0f Business Administration (MBA) program began 10 years ago. This goal was part of my journal writing 10 years ago, and I began to visualize it around 5 years ago.

I would visualize it, journalize it and pray about it. I designed a poster to help motivate me. This poster had cut up magazines of a graduate who graduated and powerful words to empower me. I had this poster put up in my room, where I could see it everyday.

I never knew which school I would go to, or how I would get there. I didn't even know, that my life experiences were leading up to my goals to enter into an MBA program. My experiences and encounters were all apart of my admission into the program.

I truely believe in the power of "the law of attraction" and visualizing what you want in life. This practise, came true for me in my life.

And now, here I am embarking in my dream to complete my MBA. I'm only one month into the program, and I'm already facing challenges to stay focus.

This is why I wanted to start this blog so that I can find other like minded people like me who are embarking in their dreams and need a little support, encouragements, guidance, and advice. I'm starting this blog to also keep track of my journey and keep me accountable to me.

My graduation day is July 2011, and I will be posting my grauduation photos on this Blog to show that I reached my goal and dream. I visualize this everyday...I also visualize that I will gruaduate with highest honours and that I will be the valedictorian.

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